Friday, May 20, 2022

Loss weight Tricks:

 What is the color of the dish to eat fast weight loss? What do nutritionists like about this approach?
Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Some of the experts said that if you want to control the food, some psychological techniques can also come in handy.
Being overweight can lead to a variety of serious illnesses. So to stay healthy, many people now want to lose excess weight. When it comes to weight loss, the first thing that comes to mind is to control your eating habits. But controlling food intake is not easy at all. However, some experts say that some psychological strategies can be useful for those who want to control their food.

Some experts say that eating food on a blue plate reduces the desire to eat. Although it sounds unbelievable, there is a scientific explanation behind it. Of the types of food that people eat, the number of blue foods is very low. So playing on this colored dish may reduce the desire to eat. On the other hand, yellow, green and red increase the desire to eat.

Not only the color of the pot, but also the smell of the surroundings affects the amount of food eaten. Experts claim that the smell of vanilla on all four sides reduces hunger. Some people say that even if you sit in front of the mirror and eat food, your appetite decreases.


Run for weight loss

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